On this cold, snowy past Sunday of Epiphany, we celebrated Consecration Sunday
Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich
On this cold, snowy past Sunday of Epiphany, we celebrated consecration Sunday. Our church 2024 pledges were blessed by Pastor Jeannine. She explained that consecration means to make holy or for a higher purpose. Each year we dedicate our financial resources and time to our church.
The scripture this week was from Matthew 2: 1-12. King Herod knew that a child had been born as the Maji had come to Jerusalem and asked where the newborn king of the Jews was. Herod was upset as he wanted to remain in charge as king. He ordered all children under two to be killed. The Maji then followed the star to the home where Jesus was with his mother, Mary, and brought him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Pastor Jeannine asked us where we looked for God. The love of God has seen in our smiles, our volunteer is and being kind to our neighbors. Pastor Jean reminded us to come and talk with her anytime that we would like guidance or just to share.
We shared a cake and tasty baked cookies and fellowship after church, as well as treats by Trish DeMontfort. How lucky are we to have such a sharing congregation that show the love of God.
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