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By Joyce Wiedrich January 9, 2025
The kids were a part of 5th Sunday music Sunday. Good job, kids! Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 01-09-2025 Fifth Sunday music Sunday is always such a treat. Ron and, Marguerite Miller, and Ellie Stempien as well as our choir have worked extra hard to bring more music to us, including solos by Aimée Perry, and a surprise duet by Pastor Jeannine and Marguerite Miller! Michele Covert read a thoughtful year end poem written by Blanche Fingar. What a beautiful service to end the year. Pastor Jeannine told the kids how Jesus and his family went to Jerusalem from Nazareth for Passover when he was a young boy. On one occasion, his parents couldn’t find him. Jesus was found in his father‘s house, the temple. Pastor Jeannine showed the kids a picture of Where is Waldo, which she was reminded of by this story of Jesus. She asked the kids if they had ever gotten lost. She remembered getting lost shopping with her parents in a large mall as a young child. She went ahead of her parents as they were window shopping. and was frightened when she grabbed the hand of another woman that wasn’t her mom. Her mother caught up to her and all was well. Like Pastor Jeannine, Jesus wasn’t really lost in the temple after all. He was there talking to God. God always helps us to find our way. All of us at Bluff Point United Methodist Church-wish everyone a very happy and healthy New Year. Please come worship with us  Sundays at 9 AM. We have a very welcoming congregation!
By Joyce Wiedrich January 2, 2025
The kids received Bibles for Christmas Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 01-02-2025 We celebrated the fourth Sunday of Advent on a crisp cool snowy winter day! Pastor Jeannine held up two packages. One was wrapped in plain brown paper, the other wrapped in glitzy foil. She asked the children which one they would choose. They all chose the foil wrapped paper package. Pastor Jeannine explained to them that the simple packaging is sometimes the best. Jesus was born in a stable and wrapped in plain linen cloth. We don’t always need glitz and glamour. Pastor Jeannine reflected on this season. We all have atypical behavior around Christmas. We rush to the stores with a cheerful and lively mood. There is plenty of joy and laughter. However, for some people, the season can be sad. It’s hard to be joyous when we are not feeling well or have had losses. God is always here. We are blessed and have to always be open to his hugs. We also have to support each other and show our love. Merry Christmas from all of us at Bluff Point United Methodist Church!
By Joyce Wiedrich December 26, 2024
Carol Clow lights the third advent candle with Pastor Jeannine. Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 12-26-24-2024 Pastor Jeannine shared with us how Christ sends his love. As we get closer to Christmas, there is so much excitement, but baby Jesus is not the only way God reveals himself to us. He gives us encouragement and love every day. She shared a story of how an elderly woman dropped her packages in the store. She was having a hard time getting them back together. A teenage boy came over and helped her assemble her purchases and took them to her car. That boy was a Christ-like-figure to the elderly woman and a sign of God’s love. The final part of this lesson is a question which needs to be answered. In the scripture for today, Luke 3: 7-18, John was telling people about the coming of the Lord in their lives. The people asked him- what shall we do? How should we respond to the Lord‘s coming? The scripture is relevant to today. The Lord is coming. What will we do? How will we respond? One way is to share our talents and our love. Bluff Point United Methodist Church is a church that has many missions. We share our talents in many ways. One of these is our prayer shawl mission. Another is cleaning a 2 miles section of our road along 54-a twice a year for the Adopt-a—Highway program. We have helped in the Yates County Christmas by distributing items to families, and also by ringing the bell to collect needed funds the day before Thanksgiving each year. The children collect pennies for Millie’s pantry. Many ladies support the Living Well by baking for their grab and go lunch program, and contribute to the food and pet pantry. We recently have collected gifts for our Angel tree family. We also support the backpack program and Habitat for Humanity, as well as other local programs. So all of us, including our children, can help others through service and love. Come worship with us at 9 AM on Sundays! A reminder that in addition, our Christmas Eve service will be on 12/24 at 7 PM. All are welcome. It will be a service filled with song and joy, welcoming our Savior’s birth.
By Joyce Wiedrich December 19, 2024
Waneta Nielsen lights the second candle of Advent. Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 12-19-24-2024 P astor Jeannine spoke to us about John’s message about Jesus’s coming. John the Baptist gave us a look of Hope and repentance. Pastor Jean asked us how we deal with uncertainty. What happens when we go to the airport and our flights are delayed? Do we look at it as an adventure or an annoyance? The road is not always smooth, but God helps the passage. Life is not always rainbows. In repenting, we sometimes need to do a U-turn and change what we are doing. If we have two coats, we should give one to someone who needs it. We should do the same with food. We saw examples of this giving nature recently at Yates County Christmas. Many of us helped with the distribution of items to help make Christmas joyous for over 250 Yates County families and 650 children. The community was very generous. It is so much better to give than receive! There are many opportunities locally during advent, including a service of peace and comfort at Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church on Wednesday, December 18 at 6:30 pm. What a joyful time of year to share our faith!
By Joyce Wiedrich December 12, 2024
Meridyn Whitford sang a sweet song during church. Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 12-12-24-2024 It’s Advent! Pastor Jeannine asked the children if they liked to wait. Most of them do not like to wait or be patient. This is the time when Jesus was not yet born. The wisemen and Joseph and Mary were all traveling. Pastor Jeannine reminded us to stay ready so that we don’t need to get ready. We should always be ready for Jesus should he come today. We need to continue to keep time for God. We can pray any place! We need to slow down our from our busy life and save time to reflect. Pastor Jeannine asked us if we are prepared should Jesus come today. We may not have our gifts purchased or be ready for Christmas, but the question is whether we are ready for Christ? We should all work to be prepared for his coming. Pastor Jeannine added that sometimes we are in fear about world events. World leaders are not always in agreement. We need to stand up. God will free us and give us assurance. Many of us worked at Yates County Christmas distribution this past week. The day before Thanksgiving 14 of us from BPUMC rang the bells to raise funds for next year. Jean Orcott even brought her little organ with the monkeys playing Christmas music. Some of us sang during our shifts. Thank you to everyone who participated. People are very generous in giving for this project where the money stays in Yates County to help those that need help with Christmas for their families. Thank you, Meridyn Whitford for singing the song this past Sunday, the Wise Man and the Foolish Man. You did a beautiful job. Our sanctuary looks gorgeous all decked out for Christmas. The children have been asked to check out where the wise men have traveled to each Sunday until Christmas. They will be moved from place to place within the church, signifying their journey.
By Joyce Wiedrich December 5, 2024
Here is our angel tree! Pick an angel to help us provide gifts for a Yates County family this Christmas! Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 12-05-24-2024 Our recent Sunday was Christ the King Sunday. Pastor Jeannine told the children that it doesn’t always work out well when people want to be king as in the movie The Lion King, when Simba wanted to always be in charge. Unlike the movies, Jesus came to us to be king and a king for all. It’s hard to comprehend what is not seen, especially with little children. We do know that God’s kingdom is in the heart of every believer. Pastor Jeannine told us that Paul first challenged Christians, and then was challenged himself again as a believer. Pastor Jeannine asked us in life what is our challenge? We need to live with conviction concerning our Christian faith. It’s easy to do that in church but when we get outside, it’s is when our faith is tested. We need to continue to put our faith in something that’s not touchable. What is seen is temporary but what is unseen is permanent and eternal. Next week many of us will be helping with the Yates County Christmas program, following ringing the bells at Tops the previous week. The Yates County Christmas program helps hundreds of families and children with gifts, clothing, books, toys and needs to ensure all have a Merry Christmas. It’s not too late to sign up for the study of the book of Revelation starting January 6, given by Grady Bray. It is a six week session studying this book of reassurance, help understanding and preparedness. The book of Revelation is very much relevant to our lives today, although written centuries ago. We are now in the season of Advent, of preparation for the birth of Jesus. There are many activities around Yates County that we can join in on, and many ways to help others during this time. Our church is now so nicely decorated for the season. See you in church on Sunday!
By Joyce Wiedrich November 28, 2024
Brian and Christie Mosch recently joined our congregation as members. We welcome them to BPUMC, where we can continue to share friendships and the word and teachings of Jesus. Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 11-28-2024 Can you even imagine? In one month, we will be celebrated the birth of Jesus. So much preparation ahead, and so many events that we can participate in to help others- our mitten tree, gifts for our Angel family, ringing the bells and helping with distribution of items for Yates County Christmas to name a few. UMCOR is running short of supplies and cleaning items with all of the recent hurricanes and damage through the United States. They also have an Amazon wish list. if you bring items to church, Pastor Jeannine will make sure that they are received by UMCOR. The scripture lesson today was from Mark 13: 1-8. In the scripture lesson we are told to watch out for false leaders who may deceive us. Don’t be fooled by false teachings. We are challenged to live as people faith in the world we have today. We see in the scripture that even the disciples lived in trying times. Jesus tells us not to be misled by people or by world events. The world and its people will live through all sorts of events. We look at events such as school shootings and the terrorism of 9-11. We feel threatened and hurt, but God is there to help us through those trying times. Pastor Jeannine showed that although these situations challenge us in our lives but God will be with us through all situations. God wants us to go on trusting, loving and serving others all the time! She ended by telling us that Faith is not worrying about the future, but being concerned about the needs of others today and every day! This week we celebrated Christie and Brian Mosch becoming members of our congregation. They both have been so helpful since they began coming here and we are all delighted that they have officially joined our church. God Bless and welcome! Please come and visit us on Sunday at 9am. We also have a fellowship after church with tasty goodies. We have nursery school and Sunday school during church time where the children learn about Jesus.
By Joyce Wiedrich November 21, 2024
Dana Schillinger wore his Navy uniform for our special ceremony honoring our veterans. Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 11-21-2024 This past Sunday was a special Sunday where our veterans were honored. Those in the congregation who have served in the military include: Jean Orcutt, Dana Schillinger, Curt Covert, Norm Hunt, Joyce Wiedrich, Doug Fingar, Russ Heggie, Jim Enslow, Skip Burnham, Dick Smith, Gordon Bascom, Larry Larson, and Dick Pinneo. Many others from BPUMC who have been in military service have passed in recent years. Our former pastor Bruce Westerdahl was also in the Marines, and now lives in Virginia. Each of the veterans present Sunday received a cupcake with a small American flag on thanking them for their service. Our scripture lesson today was from Mark 12: 40-44. This was the story of the poor widow who gave two mites to the temple. Some gave more, in their abundance, but the poor widow gave all she had, including money that she would have needed for her own care, being a poor widow with no one else to look after her. Jesus looked at her gift to the temple as a true measure of giving and sacrifice. This month we will make our commitment to our church for the coming year. This will not only include monetary contributions, but also consideration of what we do in service to church. Pastor Jeannine used this lesson with the children, showing them how they help the church by ringing the church bell before the service and also lighting the candles on the altar. Our gifts don’t always have to be only financial nature, as we all have opportunities to give, including helping with Sunday school and nursery, baking and serving with fellowship, crocheting prayer shawls, helping with road cleanup, and participating in other community efforts, including ringing the bell for Yates County Christmas. Thank you to all that have donated, mittens, scarves, and hats on our mitten tree. it will be up through the month for further contributions. Our sincere condolences to Roger Scott and his family on the recent passing of Nancy Scott. The Scotts were long-term members of our congregation.
By Joyce Wiedrich November 14, 2024
This Sunday we celebrated All Saints Sunday. Barbara Bailey and Pastor Jeannine help congregation members light candles in honor of their loved ones that have passed. Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 11-14-2024 Pastor Jeannine asked us if we follow the rules. Jesus taught us to be good- to follow God and love God with all our hearts, and love our neighbor as our self. If we all lived this way, Christ would’ve already returned. John 3:16 is the gospel in a nutshell. Jesus showed love to everyone. Some adults on the streets with drugs and alcohol issues don’t always know what love is. We need to show kindness to all as God created us in love. Love starts with us. We can choose to show more kindness and love in their communities, help others, volunteer and put our energies in activities that matter to all. Today we celebrated our Saints, those that have passed before us that we so dearly miss. There was a table in the front of the church where many put pictures up there loved ones that have recently departed. Our mitten tree is up. Don’t forget to bring scarves, mittens, and hats that will be donated to Yates County Christmas.
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