Bluff Point United Methodist Church

The Little Country Church with a Big Heart


Bluff Point United Methodist Church

The Little Country Church with a Big Heart.



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Bluff Point United Methodist Church is a small rural church with a “hometown feeling”. It is located within the heart of the beautiful Finger Lakes Region, only one mile from Keuka Lake. We consider ourselves a welcoming congregation with members ranging in age from infant to 90+. No one is a stranger.



Sunday Service at 9:00 AM



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By Joyce Wiedrich 11 Jul, 2024
Aimee Perry belts out the song Operator, calling to Jesus, on our recent music Sunday. Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 07-11-2024 We just had a musical patriotic music Sunday. We celebrate music Sundays on the last Sunday of the months that have five Sundays. Our choir saying four anthems, Aimee Perry shared a powerful solo, and the kids sang two songs as well. Such musical talent, under the direction of our choir director Ron Miller! We had several visitors as well to enjoy this special occasion. The scripture reading this week was from Mark 5: 21-43, in which Jesus healed a woman who had been hemorrhaging over a long period of time, and came to Jesus and touched him. The lesson was that her faith had made her well. Pastor Jeannine explained to the children that touch was important, one of our five senses. The kids were asked to close their eyes and identify two objects by touch, which were in a paper bag - an apple and a paperclip. Our congregation was very saddened by the sudden death of one of our long-term members and friends, Dorwin Fingar. Dorwin has been a lifelong member of Bluff Point United Methodist Church. Our prayers surround Blanche, Sonya and family at this difficult time of loss. We will never forget Dorr’s effervescent smile. I don’t think any of us ever saw him angry. He was a friend to all. The congregation prayed over a prayer shawl made for Blanche by Leah Dibble. Dorwin’s memorial service will be at BPUMC on Thursday July 11th at 11:00am. We lost another one of our faithful servants last fall. Dick Dibble’s memorial service will be at the Whitesville United Methodist Church on 11/20. Leah and Dick grew up in Whitesville, and have belonged to our congregation since settling in Yates County. He is so missed. On July 10 Bluff Point our church will be in charge of the refreshment table at the Yates County concert series in the Penn Yan courthouse park. Come to listen to the beautiful chamber music and pick up some of the goodies the ladies will make for the concert!
By Joyce Wiedrich 04 Jul, 2024
This Sunday we celebrated our recent graduates! Madelyn Rose Mosch recently graduated from high school, recently completing her home school program. Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 07-04-2024 Pastor Jeannine asked us if we were ever stuck in a storm. She reminded us to choose faith over fear. She reminded the children in her children‘s sermon to be still in times of fear-that Jesus gives us peace. How many times have mothers gone to their child, hearing them crying, waking up at night from a nightmare and tell them to hush and not to be afraid. Many of us adults also have fears, anxieties, and self doubt. In our scripture reading read by Stacy Wyant from Mark 4: 35-41 we see Jesus in the back of a boat after teaching about the kingdom of God at a nearby seashore. Jesus was asleep in the back of the boat as a terrible storm came. The disciples with him feared the storm in the sea. Would Jesus save them? A angel appeared, telling them not to be afraid; Jesus did then calm the storm and the sea of Galilee. The winds and the waves obliged. Do you have faith? Our church will be in Penn Yan at the Yates County Wednesday concert series at the courthouse park on 7/10 with snacks! Please come and see us and support the Finger Lakes Chamber Music group performing that evening. This past Sunday we celebrated our students. Madelyn Mosch recently graduated from high school. She’s continuing to pursue her career, focused on country music. She hopes to have four gigs weekly, locally and throughout various towns in New York State. She is continued to release several singles in Nashville Tennessee. Her latest recording is called Cowboy. You can follow her and her schedule online! Emmaleigh Stempien successfully completed her first year at Nazareth University. She is majoring in social work with a concentration on mental health. She received a scholarship from the Lee Wiedrich memorial fund on Sunday for her accomplishments, also having been on the Dean ‘s list this year! This summer she is continuing to work at the Keuka Candy Emporium. Stop in, where she can make you a tasty milkshake or bubble tea! Several of us recently attended Tom Wunder’s retirement party at Yatesville UMC. He has been the pastor of Yatesville church for the past 17 years and is a good friend to many of us. We hope he and Ann will enjoy their retirement years and keep in touch! Happy Summer! See you on Sunday!
By Joyce Wiedrich 27 Jun, 2024
It’s so good to gather with our friends on Sunday morning!!! Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 06-27-2024 Pastor Jeannine spoke with the children before they went off to Sunday School. She told them that Jesus was their first father. Some people don’t have dads that are always there. The kids helped pass out cookies several women made for our men to celebrate Father’s Day, and also a Pocket Jesus for each man, and also for the kids. The scripture was from Luke 15: 11-32, the Parable of the Prodigal and his brother. The Father represents God. God does not stop his Sons. God lets us make choices of our free will. In the story of the prodigal son, the father divided his inheritance between his two sons. One son hurt his father by leaving, and squandered his property and money. When he returned home, his father welcomed him through a celebration. He ran to him, like God waiting for us. The other brother had a chip on his shoulder because he had carried a larger burden. He was angry at his father and brother. That brother decided not to celebrate. This Father loved both of his sons. The father did not love either son any less. He loved them both unconditionally. God is always there and waits for us to come home. He also loves all of us unconditionally! We will be forming teams to support Hope Walk. Hope Walk is August 24th. All monies raised stay in Yates County to support those affected by cancer. Pastor Jeannine will be starting a prayer ministry. This will be a ministry where people pray for at least 15 minutes daily. Bible Study will restart again in September.
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