Bluff Point United Methodist Church

The Little Country Church with a Big Heart


Bluff Point United Methodist Church

The Little Country Church with a Big Heart.



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Bluff Point United Methodist Church is a small rural church with a “hometown feeling”. It is located within the heart of the beautiful Finger Lakes Region, only one mile from Keuka Lake. We consider ourselves a welcoming congregation with members ranging in age from infant to 90+. No one is a stranger.



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By Joyce Wiedrich 17 Oct, 2024
Michele Covert and Marguerite Miller prepare barbeque chicken meals as our BPUMC recently helped out at the Saturday barbeque at Oak Hill Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 10-17-2024 Grady Bray led our church service and gave our message this past Sunday. He started out giving the children’s message stating that God said that it was good! He asked the children if pie was good? They readily agreed. He gave them a little anatomy lesson on the tongue telling them the good bumps on the tongue or for our different taste, sweet, sour, salty, and bitter so that we can taste all foods. God also gave us the gift of smell. He gave the children an assignment to smell, newly cut grass and to smell the fresh rain as a storm begins. God is good! The scripture lesson was from Philippians 4: 6-7. Imagine not being anxious. We need to work at this. We need to turn our worries into love through prayer. Grady gave us a short history lesson into a focus of Judaism- on history, geography, and the power of places. Jesus was from the Nazareth, five miles from a major caravan route, but it was up and down a ridge and valley, very hard to get to by foot or horse. Nazareth had only 300 to 400 people, who were isolated, but self-sufficient growing grain and tending to their animals. Jesus went to Capernaum from Nazareth and started his ministry from there. Grady also told us the story of Joseph, being taunted by his brothers, who wanted to get rid of him. Joseph was then sold as a slave after being taken to Egypt and being put in a well to die by his brothers. Joseph’s father Jacob was grieving for him. Joseph obviously went through some hard times and ending up in prison, after then being sold to Potiphar, and being accused of seducing his wife, which he didn’t do. God had a plan all along for the saving of Israel and saving the lineage of Jesus through Joseph. Grady reminded us to have an open heart, to choose to listen and use our ears and not our tongue when others have a story to tell. Healing comes from listening. Be not anxious – this is a way to help others through prayer and listening ears. Thank you, Grady, for a great message! Dick Smith reminded us that the 20th at Home and Yates County will be dedicated and October 20 at 2 PM on Cedar Street in Keuka Park. All are welcome to attend. Many of us recently worked together at Oak Hill this past Saturday selling barbecue pork and barbecue chicken dinners. This was a great success, and we all had a wonderful time working together, serving the public. Thank you for everyone that came out to support this fundraiser. Several of us went up to the Apple Barrel Orchards afterwards to listen to Madelyn Rose Mosch sing and play guitar. She has many gigs in the area as she pursues her music career and also college studies. Way to go Madelyn. We have many on our prayer list right now who have had recent surgeries or illnesses. we know who you are in God knows who you are, and we are sending our heartfelt prayers to all. Our sincere condolences also to the family of Velma Boose, who passed away recently. She and her husband Charlie were married for 75 years, and we so enjoyed their presence at church. He passed away a while back and she missed him dearly. They are now together in heaven. See you in church at 9 AM Sunday!
By Joyce Wiedrich 10 Oct, 2024
Norm Hunt shows off his tasty ice cream Sundae, on our recent Saturday community ice-cream social. Rainy weather precluded a parking lot event, but we still all had fun! Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 10-10-2024 We enjoyed having several kids in church today. Their smiles and spontaneity add so much! Pastor Jeannine showed them a salt shaker and asked them what salt was for. One little boy said for eggs, others said for flavoring. She showed them some other uses of salt- manufacturing of belts, and plastics, and salt also brightens clothes! Our scripture this week was from Mark 9: 38-50. It is kind of a troubling passage on first read, until you look deeper into the meaning. Pastor Jeannine told a story of a hiker that went into the mountains without telling anyone where he was going. A boulder fell onto his left arm, and he was unable to free himself. After several days he cut off his arm to save his life, and struggled down the mountain for help. Would you want to be alive with one arm, or dead with two? We value our lives enough not to perish. Looking at the scripture again, we are asked if we are willing to cut out the things in our life that keep us from God. Hiking can be rough. Don’t do it alone. God wants us to hike the hike of life with others, to help season other believers with God’s word. Membership class is 3pm 10/12 for any and all that want to become members of BPUMC. Contact Pastor Jeannine if you are interested. Local Methodist Church Conference is at Gorham UMC on 10/16 at 7pm. Any members of our church are welcome to attend. Come join our choir! Practice is Tuesdays at 7pm at our church. The kids are also practicing songs for their little choir after church- we will hear them soon at our next music Sunday. Happy Fall as the evenings have a crisp feeling to them and the leaves begin to change. See you in church Sundays at 9 AM!
By Joyce Wiedrich 03 Oct, 2024
Thanks for the snacks ladies, and thanks for helping out! Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 10-03-2024 This past Sunday marked the first day of fall. What a beautiful season we have had, as the harvest comes in and the leaves start to turn into their glorious hues! Pastor Jeannine asked the kids about their favorite books, and if they like to read. She brought out her childhood first Bible that her older brother gifted her, a treasure as a child and now. Her favorite book was the Wizard of Oz! The kids picked out a favorite book and read it during Sunday School. Thank you, Charlotte for reading The Cat in the Hat- which ended up being quite a long book! The Bible is made of 66 books with so many lessons that you get more out of them each time you read them. Pastor Jeannine reminded us that you only go around once in life you need to grab for the gusto. Where do we find gusto and joy? We find the answer in Psalms 1: 1-6. Here we find a blessed individual who is happy, blissful, and godly. This person can find true satisfaction in life. Happy are those who don’t listen to the wicked but delight in the law of the Lord. In other words, God‘s word is the road to gusto. We get joy and reading God‘s word. We are like a tree. When our roots are sunk down into God‘s word, and the truth of the Bible is our source of nourishment, our faith remains fresh. Jeannine and Phil celebrated their anniversary and September 23. Wishing them another year of happiness together! If you wish to join the church, Pastor Jeannine is having a new member class at 3 PM on Saturday, October 12. If this is inconvenient, she will be happy to reschedule a short class with you. Don’t forget to sign up to help at the chicken barbecue at Oak Hill on Saturday, October 5! The chicken is always yummy. If you can’t work, please stop by and buy a dinner for you and your family. Happy fall with God’s blessings!
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