Cathy Albertson Green came to church ready for the total solar eclipse! Let the sun shine!
Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich
Pastor Jeannine’s message this past Sunday was on creativity, based on the scripture from Psalm 104, read by Helen Schillinger. Pastor Jeannine looked at the creativity of artists, using and re-creating colors. God‘s creativity is huge, and abilities that he gave us to use our talents are never-ending. Psalm 104 gives praise for creation. To be creative, we need to stop and smell the roses, consider small things like bugs, butterflies and sand. We need to breathe in and out and touch and feel God‘s objects. We need to re-capture the wow factors of amazement for all of God’s s creations. We need to watch a sunset, watch an eclipse, go to a museum or a concert, take a hike or a long drive and glorify in nature. At all these moments we can listen for God and appreciate what he has made for us.
Pastor Jeannine looked at her own talents. She wants to learn more about quilting, having recently made one basic quilt. Scrapbook materials she bought years ago are waiting for resurgence, in her attic. She feels she has not had or used a lot of creative blood in those endeavors, but feels God gave her talents for communication, despite being utterly fearful of public speaking earlier in her life. We so appreciate her speaking talents today, as she uses them in her pastoring abilities for and with us at BPUMC.
We are invited on April 26 and 27th to the Dresden United Methodist Church bazaar and luncheon. The church folks have been using their talents to showcase their creations.
More of our snowbirds are returning- the Hunt’s will be back this week! Happy Spring!
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