We Methodists love to eat! We have a pass-dish brunch after church the second Sunday of the month.
Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich
This Sunday we looked back on God’s Creation. Pastor Jeannine asked the kids if God needs our help caring for his creation. They told her that one of God’s special creations was them! They discussed recycling, growing plants, and picking up trash to help our environment.
Welcome back to more Snowbirds- the Hunt’s, Jean Morehouse, and Skip and Sherl!
Pastor Jeannine looked at how we can nurture God’s creations- for example, our garden, and each other. Worshiping others is a model for the worship of God. We live in an amazing place. Our environment is our responsibility. We need to consume responsibly and encourage recycling. God’s message began with Genesis. Our scripture today was Genesis 1: 28-31.
Don’t forget Bible Study, Mondays at noon! People are welcome to join in! Another reminder is that if you have youngsters or grandchildren interested in Summer camp at Casowasco, we have registration forms you can fill out. It is a great opportunity for summer camp for kids, and there are several themed camps available to choose from.
As soon as things dry up a bit we will be once again doing road clean-up on our stretch of 54-a, likely early May- one of our missions to help the environment! Date will be chosen soon.
Spring is coming. So wonderful to see the daffodils and flowering trees popping open. And soon even more of our snowbirds will be returning to our fold.
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