June 16 - Father's Day

Jun 27, 2024

It’s so good to gather with our friends on Sunday morning!!!

Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich


Pastor Jeannine spoke with the children before they went off to Sunday School. She told them that Jesus was their first father. Some people don’t have dads that are always there. The kids helped pass out cookies several women made for our men to celebrate Father’s Day, and also a Pocket Jesus for each man, and also for the kids. 

The scripture was from Luke 15: 11-32, the Parable of the Prodigal and his brother.

The Father represents God. God does not stop his Sons. God lets us make choices of our free will. In the story of the prodigal son, the father divided his inheritance between his two sons. One son hurt his father by leaving, and squandered his property and money. When he returned home, his father welcomed him through a celebration. He ran to him, like God waiting for us. The other brother had a chip on his shoulder because he had carried a larger burden. He was angry at his father and brother. That brother decided not to celebrate. This Father loved both of his sons. The father did not love either son any less. He loved them both unconditionally. God is always there and waits for us to come home. He also loves all of us unconditionally! 

We will be forming teams to support Hope Walk. Hope Walk is August 24th. All monies raised stay in Yates County to support those affected by cancer.

Pastor Jeannine will be starting a prayer ministry. This will be a ministry where people pray for at least 15 minutes daily. Bible Study will restart again in September. 

By Joyce Wiedrich 11 Jul, 2024
Aimee Perry belts out the song Operator, calling to Jesus, on our recent music Sunday. Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 07-11-2024 We just had a musical patriotic music Sunday. We celebrate music Sundays on the last Sunday of the months that have five Sundays. Our choir saying four anthems, Aimee Perry shared a powerful solo, and the kids sang two songs as well. Such musical talent, under the direction of our choir director Ron Miller! We had several visitors as well to enjoy this special occasion. The scripture reading this week was from Mark 5: 21-43, in which Jesus healed a woman who had been hemorrhaging over a long period of time, and came to Jesus and touched him. The lesson was that her faith had made her well. Pastor Jeannine explained to the children that touch was important, one of our five senses. The kids were asked to close their eyes and identify two objects by touch, which were in a paper bag - an apple and a paperclip. Our congregation was very saddened by the sudden death of one of our long-term members and friends, Dorwin Fingar. Dorwin has been a lifelong member of Bluff Point United Methodist Church. Our prayers surround Blanche, Sonya and family at this difficult time of loss. We will never forget Dorr’s effervescent smile. I don’t think any of us ever saw him angry. He was a friend to all. The congregation prayed over a prayer shawl made for Blanche by Leah Dibble. Dorwin’s memorial service will be at BPUMC on Thursday July 11th at 11:00am. We lost another one of our faithful servants last fall. Dick Dibble’s memorial service will be at the Whitesville United Methodist Church on 11/20. Leah and Dick grew up in Whitesville, and have belonged to our congregation since settling in Yates County. He is so missed. On July 10 Bluff Point our church will be in charge of the refreshment table at the Yates County concert series in the Penn Yan courthouse park. Come to listen to the beautiful chamber music and pick up some of the goodies the ladies will make for the concert!
By Joyce Wiedrich 04 Jul, 2024
This Sunday we celebrated our recent graduates! Madelyn Rose Mosch recently graduated from high school, recently completing her home school program. Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 07-04-2024 Pastor Jeannine asked us if we were ever stuck in a storm. She reminded us to choose faith over fear. She reminded the children in her children‘s sermon to be still in times of fear-that Jesus gives us peace. How many times have mothers gone to their child, hearing them crying, waking up at night from a nightmare and tell them to hush and not to be afraid. Many of us adults also have fears, anxieties, and self doubt. In our scripture reading read by Stacy Wyant from Mark 4: 35-41 we see Jesus in the back of a boat after teaching about the kingdom of God at a nearby seashore. Jesus was asleep in the back of the boat as a terrible storm came. The disciples with him feared the storm in the sea. Would Jesus save them? A angel appeared, telling them not to be afraid; Jesus did then calm the storm and the sea of Galilee. The winds and the waves obliged. Do you have faith? Our church will be in Penn Yan at the Yates County Wednesday concert series at the courthouse park on 7/10 with snacks! Please come and see us and support the Finger Lakes Chamber Music group performing that evening. This past Sunday we celebrated our students. Madelyn Mosch recently graduated from high school. She’s continuing to pursue her career, focused on country music. She hopes to have four gigs weekly, locally and throughout various towns in New York State. She is continued to release several singles in Nashville Tennessee. Her latest recording is called Cowboy. You can follow her and her schedule online! Emmaleigh Stempien successfully completed her first year at Nazareth University. She is majoring in social work with a concentration on mental health. She received a scholarship from the Lee Wiedrich memorial fund on Sunday for her accomplishments, also having been on the Dean ‘s list this year! This summer she is continuing to work at the Keuka Candy Emporium. Stop in, where she can make you a tasty milkshake or bubble tea! Several of us recently attended Tom Wunder’s retirement party at Yatesville UMC. He has been the pastor of Yatesville church for the past 17 years and is a good friend to many of us. We hope he and Ann will enjoy their retirement years and keep in touch! Happy Summer! See you on Sunday!
By Joyce Wiedrich 20 Jun, 2024
Noah Detar Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 06-20-2024 Our Noah Detar has recently recently returned home from performing this past year on a Disney cruise ship. He played the lead role of Peter Pan as well as several other roles while on this Disney job assignment. From the musical theater program at Nazareth University to his current employment he has come so far. Congratulations Noah on a job well done! You now have a break before going back to the boat and another year of performing! The topic for worship this week was looking at people working together. Pastor Jeannine showed the children that a pen does not work without ink. And in Jesus’ time, some people did not work well with him or the disciples. Even for a time Jesus’s family thought he was insane and were willing to have him taken away. They felt he had too much religious fever. He was not eating well or taking care of himself. His brothers did not initially believe he was the Messiah. The family wanted to take custody of him. Fortunately James and Judas did change their minds and see their brother Jesus as the savior. Grady Bray gave us much insight into the scripture reading from Mark 3: 20-35, a rather complex passage! Jesus went To teach the multitudes. He went into Satan’s house to free those possessed by Satan. Satan did not know God’s plan for redemption, or for Jesus to die and be resurrected. The lesson: A house divided cannot stand. A kingdom divided against itself can also not stand. We learned that Stacy and Chris Wyant were awarded the Sharing the Light award from Catholic Charities. Thank you both for all you do for the community. Noah Detar spoke with us about the 231 shows that he did this past year on the Disney Magic cruise ship. He met members and passengers from all over the world, and will return again from October to June next year working with Disney! He shows his love for acting, singing, and dancing! He will enjoy the summer at home with family and friends.
By Joyce Wiedrich 13 Jun, 2024
Communion Sunday as we worship together. Sunshine, communion and love! Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 06-13-2024 Today’s topic was on the Sabbath. Pastor Jeannine spoke of the Jewish Sabbath, which was from Friday evening through Saturday evening with visualization of the three stars. They gathered in the synagogue for worship. Jewish Sabbath was for was both for rest and worship. The Jewish worshipers gave thanks and celebration, and an invitation to rest after creation, and thanks for their rescue from slavery. Pastor Jeannine asked the children if they had ever done anything in their lives that they weren’t supposed to do for a good reason, like going into the house when mother told you not to, to get a Band-Aid for a friend that skinned their knee? She was sure that mother would not criticize them for breaking a rule to help someone out. Jesus healed someone with a withered hand on the Sabbath. Although you are not supposed to work on the Sabbath you should not let anyone be hurt or hungry, if you can help them. Jesus was being scrutinized as he performed this act, although this was legal in Jewish law, because Jesus was healing and doing good. The sanctity of life takes precedence over the rules of Sabbath. We learn how important it is to do God’s work no matter what day of the week! Don’t forget music Sunday coming up! Check with Ron Miller if you wish to participate on June 30th! Come worship with us 9 AM on Sundays. We are a loving congregation, and a true church family.
By Joyce Wiedrich 06 Jun, 2024
Pastor Jeannine spoke of Memorial Day and its meaning, wishing all a safe holiday with family and friends. Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 06-06-2024 This past Sunday was Trinity Sunday, the three and one God in three persons. The lesson today was based on the scripture from Nicodemus, John3: 1-17. Nicodemus went to Jesus at night. He was a prominent Jew. Jesus was alone at night, and also in the Nicodemus trusted and praised Jesus he initially didn’t do it out in the open. Nicodemus asked Jesus many questions. How do I know God is here? Jesus answered- do you see the stars do you hear the wind? God is amazing. Nicodemus was spiritually hungry but not satisfied. He was restless.. Although Nicodemus was a teacher he liked assurance. We need to keep on going like Christ does, Pastor Jeannine told us. Christ is right there with us! Many of us shared the Memorial Day service at Dresden church on Memorial Day. They always have a beautiful and reverent service, and a chicken barbecue to follow. Memorial day marks the official beginning of summer. Kids are out on their bikes and folks are out walking and hiking. So good to have these warm sunny days, birds, and beautiful flowers where we can see the magnificent creations of God! Please join us at our Sunday service at 9 AM! We welcome all visitors!
By Joyce Wiedrich 30 May, 2024
Thanks to Aidan Cole for ringing the bell, and for a beautiful piano piece at the start of the service. What talent for this young man, from a musical family! Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 05-30-2024 Today we enjoyed Pentecost Sunday, the birth of the modern church. In Acts 2: 1-21 we see that people came from all over, a Thanksgiving for the Jews. Peddlers came with their wars. It was like Christmas. They were lines at the temple with people waiting to make a gift to God. As this was going on they were men in the upper room praying for days! During Pentecost the wind blew and there were divided tongues, as of fire, with people speaking in different tongues. Pentecost represented a transition where the disciples were allowed to preach the word of God. Thousands of people believed in the teachings of Jesus. The gift of the Holy Spirit was worth waiting for and was promised to us. In life we may not agree with everything but it’s pastor Jeannine told us, we remember that Jesus died for us, Jesus loves us, we love God and the Holy Spirit continues through us. Please contact Ron Miller if you can participate on our music Sunday, June 30th. Our Sundays are always a special time in our church. Bible study will resume in September and is taking a break for summer. Thank you to Aidan Cole. Aidan played a difficult piano piece prior to the prelude in Sunday service. His remarkable talent is so obvious!
By Joyce Wiedrich 23 May, 2024
Pastor Jeannine and Suzy talk to the children about mothers, on Mother’s Day! Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 05-16-2024 This past Sunday was all about mothers - those here with us, and those in heaven, as well as other women who take us in their care. Many women have also given wonderful help to children that are not theirs. Pastor Jeannine told us some things about mothers and children. Some of these Murphy’s laws included: 1. The later you stay at night earlier your children were awaken. 2. The gooier the food the more it will stick to carpet. 3. The greatest growth spurt in kids is after you purchase their new school clothes. Pastor Jeannine related to children repeating things that you told them not to say or should not have said yourself. She related that to her own children. The sermon today was based on scripture from Luke 7: 11-17. In the scripture Jesus goes to Nian, with a crowd after leaving Capernaum where he had healed a servant. The people were anxious to see the amazing things that Jesus could perform. Jesus saw a widow sobbing when he got to Nian - she had lost her only son. Jesus told her not to cry. He touched the body which was in the procession with the mourners. The boy sat up in his coffin, and began speaking. This was another of Jesus’s miracles. What a blessing for this mother! The children and the adults enjoyed a story about mothers from Pastor Jeannine and her puppet Suzy. Mothers always look after their kids and give them the best even when the children don’t even always realize it! Thanks to the 10 folks who came out this past Thursday to complete our annual road cleanup. This is one of our church missions. We always feel accomplished when we clean up the roadways! Thank you choir for your beautiful anthem this Sunday and also to Madelyn Mosch, whose solo written by Carrie Underwood about mothers brought tears to our eyes. Bible study continues at noon on Mondays. Men’s coffee time is Tuesday at Oak Hill at 10 o’clock. The women meet at the Wagner at 9 AM every other Wednesday. Pastor Jeannine has copies of highlights from the Methodist General conference if anyone is interested in receiving one. This conference is held every four years with worldwide delegates. Don’t forget if you wish to participate on music study June 30, see Ron Miller! Everyone enjoys our fifth Sunday music extravaganzas!
By Joyce Wiedrich 16 May, 2024
Welcome back Blanche and Dorr Fingar! We have missed you! Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 05-16-2024 Welcome back Blanche and Dorr Fingar. We are so happy to see the return of our snowbirds! Just a reminder if you have children or grandchildren age 7 to 17 interested in Casowasco church camp this summer we have scholarships available! it’s a great opportunity for kids to get away to a weekly camp to learn about Jesus. One of our church missions is to support the Living Well. Jean Murdock noted that the Living Well is in need of many items including peanut butter, cereal, pasta, Jell-O, jelly and fruit. These items can be brought to the Living Well on Elm Street or placed in the box in church where they will be brought there. Laurie Prinzivalli reminded us that we have given over 600 prayer shows away since 2007. We believe in the power of prayer! The United Methodist Church just completed their every four year General Conference. During this conference, which includes delegates from throughout the world. changes were made to the Book of Discipline. In Pastor Jeannine’s sermon, she reminded us that we need to look at people through the eyes of Jesus. We are not here to judge people. Jesus always accepted people that were shunned or ignored by others. Pastor Jeannine told a story of a woman who had won a cruise. The woman declined the cruise because she needed to help a desperately ill friend. This friend had stood by this woman during years where she was a drug addict and had lost her friends and everything in life. This woman had stood by her in her bad times and now it was time to give back. It’s important in life situations to put others first, even when it means giving up something we would really enjoy. Jesus died for us to show us love, and show us how to love others. Life is not always an easy path. We need to let the love of Christ shine through. The sermon was based on scripture from Paul’s letter to 2 Corinthians 5: 17-21, read by Joyce Wiedrich. Paul had denied Christ earlier, but changed his tune prior to the crucifixion. The sermon went along perfectly with the scripture, considering the recent changes in the Methodist Church. The scripture speaks of recognition and renewal. We are reconciled to each other through Jesus. Please come join us for Sunday service at 9 AM. We have nursery and Sunday school available for the young ones. See you in church. Everyone is welcome!
By Joyce Wiedrich 09 May, 2024
Eric Detar and several Keuka College students presented information about their mission trip to Puerto Rico during school break. It was very informative and enjoyable to learn of their experiences. Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 05-09-2024 Recently Eric Detar and a group of Keuka College and other students from Marywood College, Onondaga Community College , and Holbart-William Smith College participated in Love in Motion, on a six day trip to Puerto Rico from March 14-22. There were six words of service that they followed including: identify, management, availability, opportunity, motive, and attitudes. Some of the activities they participated in were picking up rocks and laying gravel to make mud trails safer, planting 160 orange trees, planting 486 bloodwood trees, and digging 700 holes for future tree planting. They also placed 2000 flags across the area. They worked very hard in the warm weather and encouraged each other to take breaks. They got to practice their Spanish, singing and dancing. They had one relaxation/break day, but the other days they were hard at work. The relaxation day included a catamaran cruise, visiting a dog shelter in old San Juan, and visiting old churches and other historic buildings. They learned so much about Puerto Rico, and the many resources there which include pharmaceutical companies, rum factories, agriculture, and tourism. It was a very successful school break. Thank you Eric and students for sharing your experiences with us! On Sunday, May 12 we will have Mother’s Day service and fellowship time, but no brunch. It is anticipated that people will want to leave a little earlier to be with their families on this special day. Our music Sundays (on the Sundays that have five Sundays in the month) have become very popular. During these Sundays Ron Miller organizes the service filled with music. if anyone wishes to participate please see Ron Miller to schedule. On Thursday, May 9 we will do our biannual road cleanup. we meet the church at 9 AM on that day, and then split up to do a route on 54-A. It usually takes an hour to finish our route. It is one of our church missions. If you can help please join us. Many hands make the work easier. This is one of our church missions! Come join us for a little exercise and conversation as we do our work! See you at 9 AM on Sundays at church! We have nursery and Sunday school available for the kids. Nursery is for children younger than five, and Sunday school is from kindergarten age through sixth grade. The Sunday school children leave the sanctuary to say and write a prayer, learn a Bible lesson, read related scripture through the Children’s’ Bibles, and participate in a craft or other project, after a short children’s story in church.
By Joyce Wiedrich 02 May, 2024
Thank you Grady Bray or your inspirational message this past Sunday. We all appreciate your knowledge of the Bible and the life of Jesus. Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 05-02-2024 Laurie Prinzivalli let us know that since 2007 our church has given out 608 prayer shawls. This ministry was started by Nancy Wilmott- we have had many women in our church who crochet or knit these lovely prayer shawls to give to anyone in need of special prayer. They have touched so many over the years. Grady Bray gave us our past Sunday message. Grady came to the Methodist Church later in his life through his wife. He was drawn to our church through the teachings of John Wesley. who formed the foundation of our faith through scripture, tradition, experience, and reason. Grady has read through the Bible several times and has an unbelievable knowledge of scripture. Grady looked at a passage in the Bible where Satan was in the midst of the sons presenting themselves to God. There is mystery all around us and mystery in the Bible, even though in our lives today we like things to be known and to make sense. Grady believes that the Bible is a living, breathing word for us today, even though it was written so many years ago. Grady then looked at Angels, who often appears as people without wings. Angels are messengers of God. In scripture from 1 Peter, we see that angels wanted to know God’s plan. but God would not let them know it at that point. Some things that we cannot see are with us. The Holy Spirit is always there in us. Angels however are not our salvation- our salvation is only through Jesus Christ. Grady explained that our faith we are forgiven This is one thing that Jesus could not know. we need to pray for guidance through the Holy Spirit. Our next women’s breakfast is Wednesday, May 1 at the Wagner restaurant at 9 AM, scheduled for every other week. The men meet every Tuesday at Oak Hill at 10:00 AM. All are welcome to attend. We have Nursery and Sunday school for the children get our Sunday services at 9 AM. The children enjoy a Bible story and often then do activities or crafts related to the theme of the day. Please join us at our service at 9 AM on Sundays. We are a faith-based church, where friends in Christ become family.
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