Noah Detar
Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich
Our Noah Detar has recently recently returned home from performing this past year on a Disney cruise ship. He played the lead role of Peter Pan as well as several other roles while on this Disney job assignment. From the musical theater program at Nazareth University to his current employment he has come so far. Congratulations Noah on a job well done! You now have a break before going back to the boat and another year of performing!
The topic for worship this week was looking at people working together. Pastor Jeannine showed the children that a pen does not work without ink. And in Jesus’ time, some people did not work well with him or the disciples. Even for a time Jesus’s family thought he was insane and were willing to have him taken away. They felt he had too much religious fever. He was not eating well or taking care of himself. His brothers did not initially believe he was the Messiah. The family wanted to take custody of him. Fortunately James and Judas did change their minds and see their brother Jesus as the savior.
Grady Bray gave us much insight into the scripture reading from Mark 3: 20-35, a rather complex passage!
Jesus went To teach the multitudes. He went into Satan’s house to free those possessed by Satan. Satan did not know God’s plan for redemption, or for Jesus to die and be resurrected. The lesson: A house divided cannot stand. A kingdom divided against itself can also not stand.
We learned that Stacy and Chris Wyant were awarded the Sharing the Light award from Catholic Charities. Thank you both for all you do for the community.
Noah Detar spoke with us about the 231 shows that he did this past year on the Disney Magic cruise ship. He met members and passengers from all over the world, and will return again from October to June next year working with Disney! He shows his love for acting, singing, and dancing! He will enjoy the summer at home with family and friends.
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