Pastor Jeannine spoke of Memorial Day and its meaning, wishing all a safe holiday with family and friends.
Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich
This past Sunday was Trinity Sunday, the three and one God in three persons. The lesson today was based on the scripture from Nicodemus, John3: 1-17. Nicodemus went to Jesus at night. He was a prominent Jew. Jesus was alone at night, and also in the Nicodemus trusted and praised Jesus he initially didn’t do it out in the open. Nicodemus asked Jesus many questions. How do I know God is here? Jesus answered- do you see the stars do you hear the wind? God is amazing. Nicodemus was spiritually hungry but not satisfied. He was restless.. Although Nicodemus was a teacher he liked assurance. We need to keep on going like Christ does, Pastor Jeannine told us. Christ is right there with us!
Many of us shared the Memorial Day service at Dresden church on Memorial Day. They always have a beautiful and reverent service, and a chicken barbecue to follow.
Memorial day marks the official beginning of summer. Kids are out on their bikes and folks are out walking and hiking. So good to have these warm sunny days, birds, and beautiful flowers where we can see the magnificent creations of God!
Please join us at our Sunday service at 9 AM! We welcome all visitors!
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