Thanks to Aidan Cole for ringing the bell, and for a beautiful piano piece at the start of the service. What talent for this young man, from a musical family!
Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich
Today we enjoyed Pentecost Sunday, the birth of the modern church. In Acts 2: 1-21 we see that people came from all over, a Thanksgiving for the Jews. Peddlers came with their wars. It was like Christmas. They were lines at the temple with people waiting to make a gift to God. As this was going on they were men in the upper room praying for days!
During Pentecost the wind blew and there were divided tongues, as of fire, with people speaking in different tongues. Pentecost represented a transition where the disciples were allowed to preach the word of God. Thousands of people believed in the teachings of Jesus. The gift of the Holy Spirit was worth waiting for and was promised to us.
In life we may not agree with everything but it’s pastor Jeannine told us, we remember that Jesus died for us, Jesus loves us, we love God and the Holy Spirit continues through us.
Please contact Ron Miller if you can participate on our music Sunday, June 30th. Our Sundays are always a special time in our church.
Bible study will resume in September and is taking a break for summer.
Thank you to Aidan Cole. Aidan played a difficult piano piece prior to the prelude in Sunday service. His remarkable talent is so obvious!
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