Meridyn Whitford sang her first solo, My God is Powerful, on Music Sunday to her family and congregation. Great job, Meridyn. Such talent and bravery!
Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich
We all love music Sunday, the fifth Sunday of every month that has five Sundays, however, due to many choir members being absent during the end of September, we moved music Sunday to this past week! We had beautiful solos from Meridyn Whitford, Aimee Perry and Madelyn Rose Mosch, as well as four numbers by our esteemed choir under the direction of Ron Miller. We also had many visitors which we hope will come back and join us soon.
Pastor Jeannine gave the children’s message, Soli Deo Gloria. She spoke of Johann Sebastian Bach who lived 250 years ago. He was one of our greatest composers. After every piece that he composed, he plays the initials SDG, meaning to God, be the glory! He gave us such a gift of music. Make a joyful noise unto the Lord!
Don’t forget Bible studies at noon on Mondays. Each week we will be studying small passages from different chapters of the Bible.
Our men meet every Tuesday at Oak Hill at 10 AM for fellowship. All in the community are welcome to join.
Such a busy time of year coming up. Sign up will be going around soon for ringing the bell for Yates County Christmas. We always participate in this the day before Thanksgiving, the busiest day. This project is totally supported by donations and provides gift cards, clothing, outfits toys, books, and other items to so many families in our community.
Come join us Sundays at 9 AM!
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