We recently cleaned our section of 54-A for the adopt a highway program on a gorgeous fall day!
Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich
This past Sunday was Laity Sunday. Pastor Jeannine explained to the kids that this Sunday is a Sunday giving thanks to all that serve the church 24/7. She had people stand as she mentioned who had helped with various activities and events. All of the congregation ended up standing. Pastor Jeannine explained that Christ went to glory for us to serve others. We have a church that is involved in 14 different missions, serving God’s people throughout the year. Jesus encourages us to find ways to help others. This is in contrast to our scripture from Mark 10: 35-45 read by Marilyn James. In this scripture, James and John, sons of Zebedee, wanted to sit at the left and right side of Jesus. They asked Jesus to do something for them. James and John were dreaming of power and position, but were not willing to sacrifice for others.
The men meet every Tuesday at Oak Hill at 10 o’clock for coffee and conversation. Wednesday, October 30 at 9 AM is the next women’s coffee time at the Wagner. Bible study has resumed Mondays at noon.
Next month will be busy as we start early preparations for the Christmas season. Where has this year gone? We always have a mitten and hat tree. We also always ring the bells in front of Tops market the day before Thanksgiving, for Yates County Christmas. We are also planning some social events at church.
We can always use new voices in our church choir, and also people to help out with Sunday school and nursery. The lessons are preplanned, and it is always fun to help with the kids!
Please join us at our country Church at 9 AM on Sundays!
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