Phil Pearce helps Charlotte and Violette Tones light the alter candles during church.
Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich
Create a joyful noise! This past week Pastor Jeannine told the story to the kids and later to the adults of Bartimaeus, a blind man, who called out to Jesus when he was on the road from Jericho to Jerusalem with his disciples. Bartimaeus lived a life of hopelessness. The disciples were anxious to get home and not too excited about Jesus stopping to help. Mark story goes on showing that Bartimaeus had the type of faith that heals. Jesus had stopped and restored his vision. After this, Bartimaeus threw off his old cloak and threw his old life behind him. He then followed Jesus and the love of Christ. Pastor Jeannine showed us that even in times of hopelessness in our own lives, that our faith and hope in Jesus will pull us through. Whatever we asked from Jesus he will give it to us in his own time.
Bible study continues with study of Lamentations and Psalm 27. Various church committees have been meeting, and we are planning future events and activities, including our angel tree, our mitten and scarf tree, veterans recognition on Veterans Day Sunday, and music Sunday on the Sunday following Christmas.
We have several in our church family that are shut in or on the get well list. Please remember these folks in your prayers and send cards as you are able.
We have an active nursery and Sunday school program for the young ones. Please see Marguerite Miller if you are able to help on a chosen Sunday. The kids are a lot of fun to work with as they learn about Jesus.
See you on Sunday at 9 AM!
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