Thanks for the snacks ladies, and thanks for helping out!
Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich
This past Sunday marked the first day of fall. What a beautiful season we have had, as the harvest comes in and the leaves start to turn into their glorious hues!
Pastor Jeannine asked the kids about their favorite books, and if they like to read. She brought out her childhood first Bible that her older brother gifted her, a treasure as a child and now. Her favorite book was the Wizard of Oz! The kids picked out a favorite book and read it during Sunday School. Thank you, Charlotte for reading The Cat in the Hat- which ended up being quite a long book!
The Bible is made of 66 books with so many lessons that you get more out of them each time you read them.
Pastor Jeannine reminded us that you only go around once in life you need to grab for the gusto. Where do we find gusto and joy? We find the answer in Psalms 1: 1-6. Here we find a blessed individual who is happy, blissful, and godly. This person can find true satisfaction in life. Happy are those who don’t listen to the wicked but delight in the law of the Lord. In other words, God‘s word is the road to gusto. We get joy and reading God‘s word. We are like a tree. When our roots are sunk down into God‘s word, and the truth of the Bible is our source of nourishment, our faith remains fresh.
Jeannine and Phil celebrated their anniversary and September 23. Wishing them another year of happiness together!
If you wish to join the church, Pastor Jeannine is having a new member class at 3 PM on Saturday, October 12. If this is inconvenient, she will be happy to reschedule a short class with you.
Don’t forget to sign up to help at the chicken barbecue at Oak Hill on Saturday, October 5! The chicken is always yummy. If you can’t work, please stop by and buy a dinner for you and your family.
Happy fall with God’s blessings!
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