It’s coffee time! Jean Morehouse chooses some tasty treats for social hour after church.
Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich
It was good to see our church full this past week, with several visitors joining us! Such a beautiful late summer Sunday!
Pastor Jeannine showed the kids several different necklace crosses that she had brought with her. There are so many different kinds of crosses, remaining us that Jesus died for us. The kids then pointed out many crosses in the church. The scripture lesson was from Mark 8: 27-38. Jesus told the crowd that he must suffer many things. Peter rebuked him. Jesus then took Peter aside and rebuked him saying- Get behind me, Satan! Peter had pouted, but got his senses back after his conversations with Jesus. Jesus told the crowd that whomever wanted to be his disciple must take up the cross and follow him. Jesus never asked us to do anything that he wouldn’t do.
Marilyn James again reminded everyone of the chicken barbecue at Oak Hill which we are helping with. Sign up to help serve or come and buy dinner. It all supports the cause. The date is October 5th.
Bible studies at Church are Monday at noon. We are studying chapters from the books of John and Acts.
Let’s hope for nice weather for our ice cream social. We are hoping that neighbors will come and join us. It’s September 28th at 4:00!
It’s good to see the kids back in nursery school and Sunday school! We love our kids, and our adults too!
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