September 8, 2024 Service

Sep 19, 2024

Several of our kids had their backpacks blessed as they return to school this year. Harper and Remington are ready for

 a great year of school!

Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich


Our scripture this week is from James 2: 1-10. James is a short chapter in the Bible with many well-thought out lessons. It is rich in terms of faith. James does not mince words on what he believes. James professes to love God with all your heart, and to love your neighbor as yourself. There are 2500 verses in the Bible concerned with helping the poor, sick or hungry.

Pastor Jeannine spoke about faith this week. Faith is a 2-way street. What saves us- a dead faith or a living faith put into action? Jesus went out of his way to tend to the poor and people who lived in the margins. He often was criticized for this. God has no favorites!  Remember the verse where the poor widow had little to give, but her gift meant more than gifts from the wealthy who gave more. Pastor Jeannine reminded us to be there for others when we can make a difference. 

Please sign up for our fund-raiser at Oak Hill, Saturday October 5th, selling chicken barbecue. If you can’t help, consider buying chicken dinners or making a donation . 

Music Sunday has been moved to Sunday October 13. Come join us to hear such church talent. The kids are practicing their numbers as well!

Ice cream social coming up at 4 pm. September 28! Can’t wait! 

Come worship at our loving country church 9am on Sundays. We welcome visitors and have Sunday school and nursery for the young ones!

By Joyce Wiedrich 10 Oct, 2024
Norm Hunt shows off his tasty ice cream Sundae, on our recent Saturday community ice-cream social. Rainy weather precluded a parking lot event, but we still all had fun! Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 10-10-2024 We enjoyed having several kids in church today. Their smiles and spontaneity add so much! Pastor Jeannine showed them a salt shaker and asked them what salt was for. One little boy said for eggs, others said for flavoring. She showed them some other uses of salt- manufacturing of belts, and plastics, and salt also brightens clothes! Our scripture this week was from Mark 9: 38-50. It is kind of a troubling passage on first read, until you look deeper into the meaning. Pastor Jeannine told a story of a hiker that went into the mountains without telling anyone where he was going. A boulder fell onto his left arm, and he was unable to free himself. After several days he cut off his arm to save his life, and struggled down the mountain for help. Would you want to be alive with one arm, or dead with two? We value our lives enough not to perish. Looking at the scripture again, we are asked if we are willing to cut out the things in our life that keep us from God. Hiking can be rough. Don’t do it alone. God wants us to hike the hike of life with others, to help season other believers with God’s word. Membership class is 3pm 10/12 for any and all that want to become members of BPUMC. Contact Pastor Jeannine if you are interested. Local Methodist Church Conference is at Gorham UMC on 10/16 at 7pm. Any members of our church are welcome to attend. Come join our choir! Practice is Tuesdays at 7pm at our church. The kids are also practicing songs for their little choir after church- we will hear them soon at our next music Sunday. Happy Fall as the evenings have a crisp feeling to them and the leaves begin to change. See you in church Sundays at 9 AM!
By Joyce Wiedrich 03 Oct, 2024
Thanks for the snacks ladies, and thanks for helping out! Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 10-03-2024 This past Sunday marked the first day of fall. What a beautiful season we have had, as the harvest comes in and the leaves start to turn into their glorious hues! Pastor Jeannine asked the kids about their favorite books, and if they like to read. She brought out her childhood first Bible that her older brother gifted her, a treasure as a child and now. Her favorite book was the Wizard of Oz! The kids picked out a favorite book and read it during Sunday School. Thank you, Charlotte for reading The Cat in the Hat- which ended up being quite a long book! The Bible is made of 66 books with so many lessons that you get more out of them each time you read them. Pastor Jeannine reminded us that you only go around once in life you need to grab for the gusto. Where do we find gusto and joy? We find the answer in Psalms 1: 1-6. Here we find a blessed individual who is happy, blissful, and godly. This person can find true satisfaction in life. Happy are those who don’t listen to the wicked but delight in the law of the Lord. In other words, God‘s word is the road to gusto. We get joy and reading God‘s word. We are like a tree. When our roots are sunk down into God‘s word, and the truth of the Bible is our source of nourishment, our faith remains fresh. Jeannine and Phil celebrated their anniversary and September 23. Wishing them another year of happiness together! If you wish to join the church, Pastor Jeannine is having a new member class at 3 PM on Saturday, October 12. If this is inconvenient, she will be happy to reschedule a short class with you. Don’t forget to sign up to help at the chicken barbecue at Oak Hill on Saturday, October 5! The chicken is always yummy. If you can’t work, please stop by and buy a dinner for you and your family. Happy fall with God’s blessings!
By Joyce Wiedrich 26 Sep, 2024
It’s coffee time! Jean Morehouse chooses some tasty treats for social hour after church. Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 09-26-2024 It was good to see our church full this past week, with several visitors joining us! Such a beautiful late summer Sunday! Pastor Jeannine showed the kids several different necklace crosses that she had brought with her. There are so many different kinds of crosses, remaining us that Jesus died for us. The kids then pointed out many crosses in the church. The scripture lesson was from Mark 8: 27-38. Jesus told the crowd that he must suffer many things. Peter rebuked him. Jesus then took Peter aside and rebuked him saying- Get behind me, Satan! Peter had pouted, but got his senses back after his conversations with Jesus. Jesus told the crowd that whomever wanted to be his disciple must take up the cross and follow him. Jesus never asked us to do anything that he wouldn’t do. Marilyn James again reminded everyone of the chicken barbecue at Oak Hill which we are helping with. Sign up to help serve or come and buy dinner. It all supports the cause. The date is October 5th. Bible studies at Church are Monday at noon. We are studying chapters from the books of John and Acts. Let’s hope for nice weather for our ice cream social. We are hoping that neighbors will come and join us. It’s September 28th at 4:00! It’s good to see the kids back in nursery school and Sunday school! We love our kids, and our adults too!
By Joyce Wiedrich 19 Sep, 2024
Several of our kids had their backpacks blessed as they return to school this year. Harper and Remington are ready for a great year of school! Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 09-12-2024 Our scripture this week is from James 2: 1-10. James is a short chapter in the Bible with many well-thought out lessons. It is rich in terms of faith. James does not mince words on what he believes. James professes to love God with all your heart, and to love your neighbor as yourself. There are 2500 verses in the Bible concerned with helping the poor, sick or hungry. Pastor Jeannine spoke about faith this week. Faith is a 2-way street. What saves us- a dead faith or a living faith put into action? Jesus went out of his way to tend to the poor and people who lived in the margins. He often was criticized for this. God has no favorites! Remember the verse where the poor widow had little to give, but her gift meant more than gifts from the wealthy who gave more. Pastor Jeannine reminded us to be there for others when we can make a difference. Please sign up for our fund-raiser at Oak Hill, Saturday October 5th, selling chicken barbecue. If you can’t help, consider buying chicken dinners or making a donation . Music Sunday has been moved to Sunday October 13. Come join us to hear such church talent. The kids are practicing their numbers as well! Ice cream social coming up at 4 pm. September 28! Can’t wait! Come worship at our loving country church 9am on Sundays. We welcome visitors and have Sunday school and nursery for the young ones!
By Joyce Wiedrich 12 Sep, 2024
Marguerite Miller and Pastor Jeannine have started up both our Sunday School and nursery programs again now that the school year is upon us, so come on back, kids, and bring your parents too. Exciting times are with us! Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 09-12-2024 The school year has begun and things at church are in full swing again. Please sign up to help with Sunday school rotation, and bring your kids and grandkids! Don’t forget music Sunday is the last Sunday of this month. Ron Miller is the guy to contact if you wish to participate in your own group or musical event. The message today was based on scripture from Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, and 21-23. This time the Pharisees were picking on Jesus because he and the disciples were not washing their hands before they ate, as was the tradition. Jesus’ answer was it didn’t matter what his hands were like- the important thing was what was in his heart. The Pharisees follow Jesus not to learn from him, but to berate him. They noticed that he didn’t fast, he ignored the Sabbath, and he handled a corpse and a person with leprosy with bare hands. Pastor Jeannine correlated this behavior to some of what is going on today in life. How do we treat others in life? There are no outcasts in the kingdom of God. Do we have expectations of how God wants others to be, instead of looking at our own behaviors? We should use forgiveness and grace. God looks at what is in our heart. We will have an ice cream social at church at 4 o’clock on Saturday, September 28. This is a chance to meet our neighbors. All are welcome to come. Let’s hope for nice weather so this can be outside. Why not have ice cream before dinner! Eat dessert first! Why not?
By Joyce Wiedrich 05 Sep, 2024
The kids place the armor of God onto the soldier as Pastor Jeannine explains its meaning. Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 09-05-2024 Good work Margaurite and Ron Miller on leading our Christian Crusaders on the successful Yates County Hope Walk to help those affected with cancer. There were over 500 luminaries lit at the closing of the event in honor or in memory for those with cancer. God helps us through our spiritual battles- we need to be strong in the Lord. We need to put on the armor against evil. Pastor Jeannine explained to the children the parts of the armor. These included the belt of truth, the breast plate of righteousness, the shield of faith, and the sword of spirit. We need to wear the armor to keep us safe. We are fighting a spiritual battle. We have the armor, but someone or something can always get through. We need to maintain our strength with the power of prayer, and the power of a village of supportive people. Pastor Jeannine told a story of her daughter Alex when she was in school. She wanted to be a goalie on the lacrosse team because she didn’t like to run. She had lots of padding to help protect her however, during one game she got the badge of honor, a welt on her knee, where she wasn’t protected with full armor. The children’s and adult's lessons were based on Ephesians 6: 10-20. Paul writes about strength in the Lord in our spiritual battles, where God helps us on our journey. Bible study resumes Mondays- the first lesson is September 9 at noon. Everyone from the community is free to join. Our study will be on Luke 15: 11-32 and Psalm 68: 5-6. Do you like to sing? Choir practice begins each Tuesday at 7:00 PM. We can always use more cheerful voices! The next fifth Sunday music event will be September 29. See Ron Miller if you wish to participate with a special musical tribute. Kids choir practice will resume September 8 after church. Be safe kids as you return to school. College kids already have resumed classes. See you in church on Sunday!
By Joyce Wiedrich 29 Aug, 2024
Ron Miller was the chair of Yates County Hope Walk on 8/24. All funds benefit those in our county who are or have undergone treatment for cancer. Ron shows some of the luminary bags decorated for the lighted walk at the close of the cemetery. It’s not too late to donate to the cause if you already have not done so. The BPUMC members formed the Christian Crusaders. Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 08-29-2024 It was good to be back home in church today after our picnic this last week and the community church service the week before. Our service began with prayers for Hope Walk blankets made by Jane Salyer, be distributed at this year’s event. We had many visitors this week in church! Always great to have new friends join us. Bible study will be resuming on September 9 at noon, at church. Everyone is welcome. The study will be on Luke 15: 11-32 and Psalm 68: 5-6. Pastor Jeannine asked us if we like the game trivial pursuit. She asked us a few questions like~what’s the crystal anniversary and what was the first Starbucks outside of the US? What bulbs were used as currency? We may be experts in useless knowledge but hopefully also for meaningful facts. Pastor Jeannine recalled Jesus’s visit with Mary and Martha. During this visit, Martha was working, and Mary was sitting at Jesus‘s feet. Martha was complaining because she felt Mary was doing nothing, but Mary was gaining wisdom sitting there listening to Jesus. Jesus reminded Martha that it’s the time you spend that is important, not what you’re doing or what you have to give. Wisdom is worth more than anything else. Pastor Jeannine reminded us that the numbers on the clock are stationary as the hands go around and around but for us as the hands go around the clock time passes as we age. It’s important to make the most of the time in our life. Life is not a guarantee. Pastor Jeannine reminded us that if we live to be 70 years old we spend eight years watching TV, six years eating, 27 years sleeping, 6 hours with hygiene and dressing, but only half of a year attending church. Spend that time with us! 9a Sunday the church bell rings!
By Joyce Wiedrich 22 Aug, 2024
This past Sunday members of the Bluff Point, Milo Center and Dresden United Methodist Church met at the Keuka College athletic area for a combined service and picnic. A great time was had by all! Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 08-22-2024 Our combined picnic with Dresden and Milo Center, United Methodist churches was a big hit. we managed to miss most of the raindrops and had a short service, including hymns and an anthem from our choir, before the picnic. Pastor Jeannine use scripture from Matthew 10 as a backdrop for her message. She reminded us how much God knows us and is here for us. He gives us a nudge when we need it. He knows when we are happy and sad. He reminds us that we can handle anything! We could have fed all of Keuka Park with all of the food it was brought to the gathering. What yummy selections we shared! It was nice to see several people there that we have not seen in a while, including the McQuays who came down from Penfield to join us! See you back in church at our usual 9 AM services!
By Joyce Wiedrich 08 Aug, 2024
Pastor Jeannine showed her family teddy bear-Teddy Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 08-08-2024 Pastor Jeannine showed her family teddy bear-Teddy. She asked the kids if they were afraid of anything. She showed the kids that she would hold and hug Teddy when was sad, and thinking of her Mom, who initially had this bear. She explained that Jesus is always with us when we are scared. Pastor Jeannine asked if we ever were afraid in school, as when the teachers came out with pop quizzes. Sometimes we are afraid when we are in situations without any warning. Our scripture reading today was from John 6: 16-21. The disciples had just watched Jesus feed over 5000 people and there were 12 baskets of leftovers. There were rough waters in the north east sea of Galilee as they made their way to Capernaum, which was about 5 miles. They had taken the only boat and Jesus was not with them. The waters were very rough and the disciples were afraid. Jesus made the disciples wait, he did the near impossible, walked on the waters and stillEd them. The disciples could not believe that Jesus stilled the horrific storm on the sea. God has called us to live a clean life and be disciples to others. Jesus also wants us to invite him into our boats when we are afraid. Don't forget to talk with Ron Miller and join one of our teams for the Hope Walk. It will be here before you know it. Where did July go? Now we are into August and the last hurrah of summer. See you back in church on 8/18 at 9:00am, after the 12noon service and picnic on 8/11 at the Keuka College athletic field pavilion.
By Joyce Wiedrich 01 Aug, 2024
Visiting granddaughter Roz Prinzivalli rang the bell, welcoming all to church. Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich 08-01-2024 We had Grady Bray and Stacy Wyant lead our service this past week, as Pastor Jeannine and Phil had a needed vacation. Thanks to you both! Thanks to Laurie Prinzivalli for a Children’s sermon on vacation and rest. Even Jesus needed rest! Sunday is marked as the day of rest. This past weekend a beautiful service was held for Dick Dibble at Whitesville United Methodist Church where he and Leah met, married and raised their family. Elly Stempien provided the musical ministry and Jeff Stempien sang a solo. Blanche Fingar wrote a touching poem about Dick. Dick, Leah, Blanche and Dor were great friends! We have missed Dick’s humor, friendship and kind ways. He helped so much with the Trustee work of BPUMC, where Leah and he have been members since moving to this area. Scripture today was Hebrews 4: 12-13. Paul wrote so much in the Bible which is still living and active in our lives today. Grady Bray gave us a lesson on body, soul and spirit. The body is composed of earth elements. The soul is present in biological life. Even a pig has a soul. God is a spirit. The spirit is an eternal gift. Grady’s take home message to us was the 5 G’s of prayer. The first is to begin prayer with gratitude- what we are thankful for! The second is to ask for guidance. Be still. Focus on your breath! The third element of prayer is grace. Learn to repent. Let things go. With the 4th prayer element, grants, we need to ask for what we desire. God however already knows what we need! We need to pray the gospel without ceasing! Gospel is the 5th element! Reading the Bible augments this. Thank you Grady. This was a wonderful message we can use every day in our prayers. We are forming our teams for the Yates County Hope Walk on 8/24. There are bags you can personalize for the luminaries located on the large table as you enter the back of the church. See you Sunday!
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