Several of our kids had their backpacks blessed as they return to school this year. Harper and Remington are ready for
a great year of school!
Article by Joyce L. Wiedrich
Our scripture this week is from James 2: 1-10. James is a short chapter in the Bible with many well-thought out lessons. It is rich in terms of faith. James does not mince words on what he believes. James professes to love God with all your heart, and to love your neighbor as yourself. There are 2500 verses in the Bible concerned with helping the poor, sick or hungry.
Pastor Jeannine spoke about faith this week. Faith is a 2-way street. What saves us- a dead faith or a living faith put into action? Jesus went out of his way to tend to the poor and people who lived in the margins. He often was criticized for this. God has no favorites! Remember the verse where the poor widow had little to give, but her gift meant more than gifts from the wealthy who gave more. Pastor Jeannine reminded us to be there for others when we can make a difference.
Please sign up for our fund-raiser at Oak Hill, Saturday October 5th, selling chicken barbecue. If you can’t help, consider buying chicken dinners or making a donation .
Music Sunday has been moved to Sunday October 13. Come join us to hear such church talent. The kids are practicing their numbers as well!
Ice cream social coming up at 4 pm. September 28! Can’t wait!
Come worship at our loving country church 9am on Sundays. We welcome visitors and have Sunday school and nursery for the young ones!
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